Why people should keep to the rules

Doubtless, rules organize people's lives and help them to work |together and to cooperate. Firstly: they help people know what is1 'right to follow and what is wrong to avoid. Secondly, they help to i make sure things run smoothly and that people know what other} 'people will do in certain situations. Thirdly, they help to make it possible to organize things. For example, in families there may be rules about bedtime, doing homework, helping with chores: in school there may be rules about uniform, meal times, play times, etc. and when} 'driving a car there are rules about speed, traffic lights, roundabouts, etc.

However. If there are no rules, or people break the rules, people} 'don't know what others will do in certain situations and it makes life unpredictable. People can get hurt, cars can crash and there could be a complete lack of order.