Internet shopping
Doubtless, online shopping has become so popular today. It has some advantages and disadvantages for companies and consumers. As for companies; they have a bigger market: they can sell anywhere in the world. They don't need to spend money on shops and places to sell their products: they only need to have a website. This way they can sell the products more cheaply. As for consumers, things are cheaper for them to buy and they have more choice because they can shop in many different places, looking for the cheapest prices. They can buy everything online and from home. They don't have to go to the shops, so it is quick and convenient. However, this kind of shopping can be risky for customers for many reasons: firstly, there aren't any real products to pick up .
Secondly, to buy online, you should have a credit card and this may be risky because of the credit fraud. Thirdly older people and people who don't have experience using a computer might find it difficult. Fourthly sometimes the wrong products are sent or they arrive damaged or don't arrive at all.
In the end if you shop online, you must use only trusted companies and not give your bank information.